Over 1,000,000 worldwide web readers already did! Hymne à Berlin, Hymne à la Sodomie, L'Épicier, Battery Park...Ratonnades à pédés!
Definitely NOT! Politically correct
WorldCopyrights@SACD 2011/ # 245252, 75009 Paris, France.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Le Vinatier, 69500. / A Military Psychiatric Hospital. E->

English translation below.

Quelques Extraits...

''Oui, cette phrase balancée à ce psychiatre imbécile m'avait bien été salvatrice. Je lui avais dit en tapette de quartier maquillée comme une voiture volée et le geste amplement efféminé, puant la cocotte de parfums bon marché, feignant de le draguer l'air blagueur et fine mouche comme s'il était mon pote des tapes sur l'épaule, qu'être violé la nuit et le jour dans ses murs suffisait pour rester dans son l'hôpital à vie. Et que je voulais y rester. Grâce à lui j'avais avec ses militaires handicapés mentaux découvert tous les plaisirs de la sodomie. Mon cul s'attachait à l'endroit, il pouvait m'y enfermer. Il en devint plus blanc que sa blouse. Je sentis du choc l'heure de la réforme proche. Et l'empressement qu'il eut de signer les papiers de sortie me fit le regarder avec des yeux de biche et lui proposer chez moi une bonne turlupe en remerciement. Je renouvelai trois fois l'invitation pour le faire chier et le faire chier un max. J'avais tout au long de cette convalescence forcée détester les mesquineries de ce petit connard d'employé qui n'en pouvait plus d'être medecin. Il en blanchit alors d'avantage n'osant me regarder en se tortillant le cul sur la chaise. Mais ça y est! J'arrivais enfin à mes fins! J'étais réformé! Je rejoignis de suite en taxi l'appartement de la rue Bizolon sans ne plus jamais penser à ce crétin de docteur ni à l'autre emmanché du Maghreb. Je courus saluer d'abord mon traiteur habituel avant d'y monter pour déguster comme un roi une fois arrivé ses délicieux pâtés en croûte et saucissons briochés, coquilles de saumon et rosbifs persillés, crottins de Chavignol et roqueforts qui m'avaient tant manqués. Je dévorai tout. Accompagné d'une bonne bouteille de Brouilly et de la trompette de Miles Davis assis devant la lucarne ronde au doux paysage des péniches qui naviguaient lentement sur la Saône en face de l'église St Georges, à la vue des passants pressés qui traversaient sous une légère pluie de Printemps la passerelle fraîchement peinte de rouge vermillon. Je m'y sentis revivre une vraie vie que l'on avait de force aliénée.''

''Indeed, the words I came out with just like that in front of that psychiatrist's thick head had been my savior. With overdone make-up on my face and camp effeminate gestures of a fagget smelling cheap perfume, I feigned to pick him up as I shook his hand with inviting eyes full of sparkle as if I was delighted to meet him again for a quickie I assumed we already once had. I had told him when chatting away sure of myself that I did intend to stay in his hospital for life. Being rapped day and night was a happy experiment his profession granted me with with pride. Farther telling him that his mental deficient patients were teaching me the joys of sodomy. Therefore my ass hole was getting accustomed to his working place strongly enough to be locked in. And I had said it chatting away like it was a normal conversation. After all, he was used with nuts. He became whiter than his white coat. By the way he was shocked hearing my sayings I could see the door of the discharged soldier I was about to become leading to the way out. As he hurried to sign the papers that would at last set me free on the spot, I carried on my fluent butterfly speetch inviting him at my place for a real good blow job he deserved as a thank. I insisted several times on the invitation describing the details he had to expect from my techniques in order to shit on him and shit big. I hated that mean little clerk. And I did not want to stop upsetting his poor little mind. I made him look even whiter when I like a swolenly woman from the gutter started to move my tong around my lips simulating the excitment he provoked in me. His hand was shaking as he was writing the factors of the discharge not daring to look at me then twisting on his chair. That's it. In five minutes I was finally out of this military psychiatric hospital. I quickly jumped in the first cab and asked the driver to drive fast to the street where I lived. Funny, as we were driving along, I could instantly forget that fucking doctor as well as the Algerian riding pig as if all of it had never happened. As I arrived to my place I rushed to say hi to my favorite delicatessen shop keeper and decided to treat myself like a king buying the most refine goose liver patés, tons of smoked salmon and roast beef, Italian and French cheeses that I had been dying to eat for so long. As soon as I arrived in the flat, I bolted every thing of my meal down enjoying every single moment of it . Drinking a bottle of Bordeaux wine to the sound of Miles Davis playing the trumpet, I sat by the pignon dormer window facing over the Saone river and its barges slowly sailing down in front of the St George church and watched the pedestrians hurrying to cross the fresh bright red painted footbridge under the Spring rain. I felt I was living again a real life that had been altered by force.''

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